Employers are keen to hold on to staff who are doing a good job. Especially, at this time when retaining competent and skilled employees can prove something of a challenge. What that means is that if you, as an employee, are looking for something new and different or if you’re temporarily moving to a new town for University, it’s well worth asking about a job transfer.
If you’re interested in requesting a job transfer or applying for an internal role elsewhere within the same company, we have some job transfer tips that will help you take the step and make the outcome ideal for both you and your employer.
If you work for a company with a number of branches, relocating may not mean you have to look for a new job. This can be of interest to people who are moving house to maybe fit in with a partner’s new job, or students going home during university breaks. Either way, it’s worth asking your employer for job transfer advice as it might be possible to do a temporary job transfer, if it’s just for the summer, for instance, or a permanent one if a similar role is available close to your new location.
Sometimes, even though you’re happy enough in your role, you’ll consider the possibility of applying for a transfer within the same company. It might be a more senior role, or just a different role that’s begun to appeal to you in the time you’ve been with the business. For an employer, transferring someone who is already settled and knows other areas of the company, its procedures and ethos, can be a major benefit rather than onboarding a new member of staff.
The important piece of job transfer advice is to make your application as professional as possible. If you feel an informal chat with a line manager or member of the senior team would be helpful before you apply, then by all means do that if you feel comfortable. Otherwise, treat it as any other job application. Write a clear and concise letter saying that you’d like to apply for another position within the company, and give your reasons for your application. Update your CV to show how your time in your current role has benefited you, what skills or qualifications you’ve gained within that role, and why you think you’re ready for something new.
As long as you approach the situation professionally, it’s the same as any other job application. It might not be possible to transfer to a new location, or you might not be the person chosen for the new role, but there’s nothing to be gained from not asking. Requesting a job transfer shows a positive approach to the company you’re currently with – you’re telling your manager that you are happy to be a part of the business, that you’d like to stay with the company, but that a transfer would suit your personal circumstances, or your career goals, better.
If you’re moving from one department or team to another, you might feel awkward about speaking to your manager about a move. There’s no need to. Most managers will understand that sometimes people want something new, the chance to develop new skills and explore new possibilities.
The important thing to remember when applying for a job transfer is that if you’re a valued member of staff, your employer will be keen for you to stay with the business. It’s a positive for them that someone doesn’t want to leave but would rather find opportunities with the same company than move on to pastures new. Show them that you’re keen to stick with them and the chances are they will do their best to hold on to your services.
If you’re looking for a new job, need support on how to request a job transfer or want to switch careers, the ACS Staffing Solutions team can help! Contact us online or give us a call on 01604 704058.
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